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May 13, 20221 min read
a new moon
love? look to the moon you will be happy and if not happy at least at peace with the moon i promise she will bring you the ever elusive...
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May 13, 20222 min read
prayer for aunt kathleen
This is a poem or maybe a prayer for my Aunt Kathleen who joined her Mom and Dad in the great beyond early in the morning on April 5,...
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May 13, 20221 min read
why do I wear a mask?
why I wear a mask still let me assure you right now it is not a political statement it is just a mask a paper mask that filters out the...
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May 13, 20221 min read
i am awake
Ruby and Tommy March 2022 i am awake early again and it’s ok its what I do and it’s just for now while my world is upside down i seek...
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May 13, 20221 min read
today i will
(my first poem since i was in college) soda bread from my gram's recipe today i will wake early but not too early for my heart needs to...
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