why I wear a mask
let me assure you right now
it is not a political statement
it is just a mask
a paper mask
that filters out
the tiniest of potentially
emphasis on potential
i wear a mask
because someone I love
has is sick
really sick
and no it’s not covid
and no she didn’t bring this on herself
people simply get sick sometimes
i wear a mask
because I don’t wanna risk her
getting a cold much less covid
and no no no
i cannot just not visit her
someone I love
so yessss
i wear a mask
when I visit her
a good mask
i bust out the N95‘s
she is scared and
i am scared
she feels so sick that
she has said that
she thinks that even getting a cold
could kill her
right now
so please
when you are around me
if I don’t know you and
if you are unvaccinated and
if you are sick and
if you have a cold and
of course if you have covid or
covid symptoms and
if you have a mask
put it on
for someone I love and
for me and
for anyone
who might have cancer or
a loved one
who has cancer
it is not a political statement
it is
her life
his life
my life
your life
it is
just a piece of paper
just a precaution
just a mask and
this is why
i wear a mask